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Catalog Number CI-BP-0129
Product Name Oligopeptide-32
Purity 0.95
Appearance White powder
Storage -15~-20 °C
Safety No heavy metals, no skin and eye irritation
Custom Q&A

How is Oligopeptide-32 characterized in terms of its chemical structure?

Oligopeptide-32 is characterized as an oligopeptide with a specific sequence of amino acids.

What is the significance of Oligopeptide-32 in the field of biochemistry?

Oligopeptide-32 is important in biochemistry as it can have various biological functions and roles in cellular processes.

Can Oligopeptide-32 interact with other molecules in biological systems?

Yes, Oligopeptide-32 can interact with other molecules in biological systems, potentially affecting their functions.

How is Oligopeptide-32 produced or extracted for research purposes?

Oligopeptide-32 may be produced through chemical synthesis or extracted from natural sources such as organisms that produce peptides.

Are there any known uses or applications of Oligopeptide-32 in the industry or research?

Oligopeptide-32 may be used in cosmetic products for its potential benefits to the skin, or studied in research for its biological activities.

What further studies or research is needed to fully understand the properties and functions of Oligopeptide-32?

Further studies are needed to explore the mechanisms of action, potential therapeutic uses, and interactions of Oligopeptide-32 in biological systems.

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