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Catalog Number CI-BP-0103
Product Name Tetrapeptide-23
Solubility Soluble in water
Appearance White to pale yellow powder
Application Good anti-aging, skin conservation effects
Safety No heavy metals, no skin and eye irritation
Custom Q&A

What is the key characteristic of Tetrapeptide-23?

The key characteristic of Tetrapeptide-23 is its composition as a tetrapeptide.

How is Tetrapeptide-23 commonly used in skincare products?

Tetrapeptide-23 is commonly used in skincare products for its anti-aging and skin rejuvenation properties.

Is Tetrapeptide-23 a naturally occurring peptide?

It is not specified in the reference whether Tetrapeptide-23 is a naturally occurring peptide or synthetic.

How is Tetrapeptide-23 typically synthesized for use in products?

Tetrapeptide-23 is typically synthesized using peptide synthesis techniques for use in cosmetic and skincare products.

What are some potential benefits of using products containing Tetrapeptide-23?

Some potential benefits of using products containing Tetrapeptide-23 may include improved skin firmness, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and overall skin rejuvenation.

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