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Superoxide Dismutase

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Catalog Number CI-SC-1022
Product Name Superoxide Dismutase
CAS 9054-89-1 / 7732-18-5 / 5343-92-0 / 77-86-1 / 122-99-6
Description Aqueous solution of biotechnologically produced, highly purified superoxide dismutase (SOD) made from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for skin care products. Has antioxidant, anti-aging and skin-whitening properties. Provides potent antioxidant effects effectively inhibiting radicals formation. Very useful in anti-aging and skin-whitening preparations.
Solubility Water-soluble
Appearance Clear liquid
Application Anti-aging serums, creams, lotions, all kinds of skin-whitening products.
Storage Store light-protected at a cool and dry place
GMO GMO-free
HS Code 1302190100
INCI Superoxide dismutase, aqua, pentylene glycol, tromethamine
Manufacture Isolated and purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast).
Preservation Phenoxyethanol
Raw Material Source Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Uses Add to water phase of emulsions. Typical use level Use level: 0.2 - 0.5%. For external use only.
Custom Q&A

What are some synonyms for Superoxide dismutase?

Superoxide Dismutase from pig blood
Recombinant Human Superoxide Dismutase
Superoxide dismutase from bovine erythrocytes

What is the storage temperature for Superoxide dismutase?

Superoxide dismutase should be stored at -20°C.

How does Superoxide dismutase appear in its powder form?

Superoxide dismutase appears as a blue-gray powder.

What is the description of Superoxide dismutase?

Superoxide dismutase is widely present in the human body, including the skin and its appendages.

What are the distinct classes of Superoxide dismutase?

The distinct classes of Superoxide dismutase include Cu, ZnSOD, FeSOD/MnSOD, and NiSOD.

What are some of the uses of Superoxide dismutase?

Superoxide dismutase is used to catalyze the dismutation of superoxide radicals, suppress apoptosis, and prevent free radical damage in the skin.

How is Superoxide dismutase used in cosmetics?

Superoxide dismutase is used in cosmetic preparations to prevent drying and aging of the skin without causing irritation.

What are some reported benefits of Superoxide dismutase?

Superoxide dismutase can serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, prevent precancerous cell changes, and have a positive impact on various health problems.

How is Superoxide dismutase purified?

Superoxide dismutase is purified by DEAE-Sepharose and copper chelate affinity chromatography.

What is the reference for further information on the therapeutic potentials of Superoxide dismutase?

The reference is [1] Younus H. "Therapeutic potentials of superoxide dismutase" Int J Health Sci (Qassim)12(2018).

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