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Catalog Number CI-BP-0051
Product Name Hexapeptide-33
Purity 0.95
Appearance White powder
Application Whitening and brightening skin
Storage -15~-20 °C
Safety No heavy metals, no skin and eye irritation
Custom Q&A

What is the chemical formula for Hexapeptide-33?

The chemical formula for Hexapeptide-33 is C39H60N10O9.

What is the molecular weight of Hexapeptide-33?

The molecular weight of Hexapeptide-33 is 812.96.

What is the CAS number for Hexapeptide-33?

The CAS number for Hexapeptide-33 is 1192135-40-2.

What is the predicted density of Hexapeptide-33 at 20°C and 760 Torr?

The predicted density of Hexapeptide-33 at 20°C and 760 Torr is 1.37±0.1 g/cm3.

What is the predicted pka value for Hexapeptide-33?

The predicted pka value for Hexapeptide-33 is 3.07±0.10.

What are the synonyms for Hexapeptide-33?

The synonyms for Hexapeptide-33 are L-Tyrosine, L-seryl-L-phenylalanyl-L-lysyl-L-leucyl-L-arginyl-.

What is the molar file name for Hexapeptide-33?

The molar file for Hexapeptide-33 is 1192135-40-2.mol.

What is the structural formula of Hexapeptide-33?

The structural formula of Hexapeptide-33 is C39H60N10O9.

How many amino acids are present in Hexapeptide-33?

Hexapeptide-33 contains six amino acids.

What is the role of Hexapeptide-33 in skincare products?

Hexapeptide-33 is often used in skincare products for its potential anti-aging and skin brightening properties.

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